Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Goal!!!! or Penalty Kick!!!!! Whatever!!!

So the World Cup is over, and I'm feeling kind of blue. I only watched two games, but I was really into them. Without foreign men running around in short shorts (though they could be shorter), life seems a little less fantastic.

(Needless to say, I asked Florian if he wouldn't mind donning some short shorts to ease my letdown. He said so many words.)

Despite my gloom, perhaps the world cup's ending is for the best. The truth is, it's virtually impossible for me to enjoy watching sports because my heart always goes out to whomever is losing. Which means I'm always rooting for the looser. Which means the team I want to win never does. And so the circle of fun continues.

I also spent Sunday night feeling really bad for Zinedine Zidane, the french soccer player (known as being one of the best in the world) who ended his international career with a head-butt to an Italian player (see below video). A half-baked plan, I'd say. He was tossed out of the game and the Italians went on to win.

There was clearly an exchange between Zidane and the soon-to-be-headbutted Italian before things got physical, and now everyone is speculating on what the Italian must have said to provoke such a violent response. I'm thinking something hideous like "Why are you so bald?"

(Footnote: I continue to be astonishingly bad at ridicule. We can all remember my less-than-impressive "Well, you walk like a woman..." How does one get good at this? I want to be formidible.)


Blogger Claire and Lara said...

premature baldıng. that ıs too bad.

July 13, 2006 9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

July 20, 2006 6:44 AM  

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