Saturday, July 01, 2006

Oh no...

So being back at home for a week means rooting through old journals (most of them which chronicle my unrequited love for Lowell Sapiro in 5th grade), dusty report cards and science fair projects. While other students were surely building batteries or measuring pollutants, I was, apparently, conducting "Tests on Cats." (Above is a snapshot I just took of the actual board in all its visually- and verbally-stunted glory.)

My "hypothesis" - if you can call it that - was as follows:

"I decided to do this because I didn't know that much about my kittens and I still don't know everything but I know much more than I did before."

I then proceed to outline a series of experiments and their "scientific" results, with photos as proof.

I think this picture say it all...

According to the aging piece of paper attached to the rather spartan display, I was trying to answer the incredibly important question, "How do cats' eyes react to bright lights?" And yes, that is a flashlight I am in shining in their sweet, undeserving, faces.

So clearly apologies are in order:

Sorry to my two cats...I knew not what I did.

Sorry to my teachers for delivering a "science project" that merely showcased a bunch of cute, albight tortured, kittens.

And sorry to my parents because no doubt they were forced to lie and compliment this monstrosity.


Blogger Claire and Lara said...

Lowell? You out there? WE need to find this person and see if we can requite that old flame. Be careful, land is much bigger than you think. Does Florian know about all this?

July 05, 2006 12:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never laughed so hard in my life. "Tests on Cats." Hemingway would have been proud of that title, it really says it all.

July 06, 2006 4:38 PM  
Blogger Claire and Lara said...

this is concerning

July 07, 2006 3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hilarious! i mean, quite sophisticated (about the cats). on another note, wasn't that a little daring of you to mention this lowell shapiro by name? and you are always saying i am the bold one. what if your blog becomes famous, and he finds out? and what does florian think of all this?!

July 09, 2006 2:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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July 20, 2006 6:44 AM  
Blogger One Edgy Veggy said...

This is Lowell speaking. I am flattered by your forwardness.


July 20, 2008 10:05 PM  

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